Monday, February 11, 2013


As though, by many outpourings, one might be healed
Let us replace one sort of distance with another
One less pretty, perhaps
Could strength and fragility coexist somewhere
Without pulling apart and crackling
Like a poorly placed glaze
Shall we call the cracks pretty
Full of character
Or simply leave them as traces of something for which foolish seems too harsh a word

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Almost Reflection

The things you learn to live without?
Smiles repackaged and sent to another address 
Love isn’t like a bowl of sugar, we read 
Crystallized so finely 
Cradling loss for sake of inspiration 
Listen to them as they slip into your omnipresent cup of tea 
Dissolve your thoughts, isn’t that your metaphor here 
Say something else you don’t mean, sentimental heart 
Let the sweetness linger 
It all becomes a transient memory